The Official Website for Rolfing® in Sweden
Welcome to the official website for Rolfing® Structural Integration in Sweden. Here you will find contact information for certified Rolfers® practicing Rolfing® in Sweden.
At the present time there are six certified Rolfers® in Sweden and approximately 2 300 internationally.
Rolfing® Structural Integration is an internationally registered service mark. Only an individual with completed training certified by the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® may be called a Certified Rolfer®.
The international headquarters for the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® is in Boulder, Colorado, USA, www.rolf.org.
The European Rolfing® Association is located in Munich, Germany, as is the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® Europe, www.rolfing.org.
Rolfers® providing Rolfing® Structural Integration in Sweden:
Andrew Albrecht Certified Rolfer®
Gästrikegatan 18, 113 62 Stockholm, www.rolfingstockholm.se +46 70 789 46 47
Louise Almgren Certified Advanced Rolfer®
Sankt Eriksterassen 72, 112 34 Stockholm, www.rolfingsweden.com +46 73 508 38 00
Noemi Frenk Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Rolf Movement Practitioner™
Mårtens väg 12, 269 72 Förslöv, www.noemifrenk.com +46 73 897 40 51
Runa Gustafsson Certified Advanced Rolfer®
Sankt Eriksgatan 53a, 112 34 Stockholm, www.runarolfing.se +46 8 651 90 10, +46 70 492 85 80
Corey Roode Certified Rolfer®
Gotlandsgatan 44, 3 tr, 116 65 Stockholm, www.bokadirekt.se +46 76 785 38 87
Åsa Åhman Certified Advanced Rolfer® , Rolf Movement Practitioner™
Fjällgatan 23b, 116 28 Stockholm, www.rolfingmedasa.se +46 73 382 82 77